Sunday, November 20, 2016

Coming Soon . . .
Is your home district gerrymandered to the max? Take our simple test in chapter 1 to find out now.  Worried that you're not likable enough?  Who needs the popular vote anyway? This is America. You can still lose it and claim a mandate.  We'll show you how in chapter 5.  Only this latest edition contains an updated checklist for finding the right campaign manager from AM radio who could make even someone like David Duke seem presentable. Watergate Schmatergate.  Telling the truth is for suckers these days as the bar has never been lower thanks to Donald Trump. Lie, lie, lie to your heart's content and still cruise to victory, guaranteed!  Falling behind in the polls?  Relax.  We've included a whole chapter explaining how you can get the 2nd Amendment people to "help" you out of this little problem.  Concerned about your appearance? Who gives a rat's fragdoodle?  If a balding 70-year old man with orange skin and 3 trophy wives can make it to the White House, even your crazy uncle stands a chance of winning a seat in congress.  And for that inevitable moment when your campaign becomes alarmed by the current news cycle, Chapter 18 has a list of 10 ways to quickly and effectively "throw a dead cat on the table", changing the narrative in the mainstream media.      

You'll have loads of fun learning how to gerrymander districts until they resemble anacondas (and get away with it!), making fun of disabled people as long as you know who is fair game (hint: reporters!) and who isn't, creative ways of hiding unpaid creditors and personal tax information, all this and much, much more. 

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